
2023-01-13 09:09 次浏览 来源:环球旅游日报 作者:甘棠


The US CHANGLE ASSOTIATION UNION INC grandly celebrated the 2023 Spring Festival Reunion with the coming of P.R.China year of rabbit in New York on 10th January. Councilman ZHENG Yongjia; madam ZHUANG Wenyi, Chief of Staff of Senator KOU Deng; America Fujian Fellowship Association President CHEN Heng; Chairman LIN Zhi; Chairman of the Chinese Federation HUANG Qiwang; Chinese-American LIU Baozhi & LIN Zhongzhuo; President LIN Wenhua; China Citizen of State Leaders Column《Murphy Interviews》founder Murphy DENGTing & Entrepreneur Association of Central Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee.

新春团拜会成员向全球华人华侨致以新春祝福New Year Best Wishes

主席团主席们All Presidents

中国公民邓婷(居中)和美籍华裔主席们Chinese-American Presidents


The Jade Rabbit welcomes the spring and the red plum brings blessing to global people. Under the leadership of the Chairman-in-Office Lu Tianxing and Wang Wenmei, The US CHANGLE ASSOTIATION UNION INC jointly paid New Year's greetings to overseas Chinese at home and abroad. Wish all happiness and good luck in the Year of the Rabbit. Congratulations on getting rich, congratulations on getting rich. All participants took a family group photo of the Spring Festival package presented by the Chinese Consulate and the Jade Rabbit presented by the Councillor Zheng Yongjia. In the midst of cheers,President Lu Tianxing, the rotating chairman of the Changle Alliance, and Wang Wenmei made a warm welcome speech on the stage, He said: "The year of the tiger has passed, and we have gone through a long and arduous process with the world. The Chinese people who have gone through trials and hardships have worked hard and worked together, and finally we have overcame any difficulties. The new year opens up new hopes, and the new journey carries new dreams. Today we gather here to enjoy the joyfulness of the festival and enjoy this wonderful time"。

寇登议员幕僚長莊文怡女士颁发荣誉证书Honorary Certificate Issuing Ceremony


"Brothers and sisters of Changle Alliance, we are like a family. Indeed, we are a warm, friendly, united and happy family. In the past year, we have been tolerant of each other, worked together, and worked hard for a common goal, which is to serve the villagers, love the motherland, and safeguard the rights of Chinese people. There are joys of success with frustrations, but we are always in progress. Our common efforts have formed a common language, and our common efforts have produced a new spiritual resonance. We use sincerity to water the flowers of multinational friendship. Respected presidents and friends, you have done enough in my mind. Let's jointly wish our friendship more brilliant. "

新春团拜会主席团成员向全球华人华侨百年,新年恭喜发财New Year Best Wishes

新春团拜会主席团成员祝福全球华人华兔年吉祥如意、心想事成New Year Best Wishes for the coming year of tiger


左:施广义President SHI Guangyi;中:郑永佳Councilman ZHENG Yongjia;右:陈书胜President CHEN Shusheng

陈书胜主席发言President Chen Shusheng

陈恒主席发言President CHEN Heng

卢天星主席发言President LU Tianxing

施广义主席发言President SHI Guangyi


The New Year Celebration banquet was funded by President Lu Tianxing, President Wang Wenmei, President Li Zaiyun, President Zheng Shifei, President Yang Lianying and Chairman Chen Jinzhu. Besides,President Shi Guangyi, Chairman Wang Shaoguan, Director Wang Wenmei and Chairman Lu Tianxing jointly did great preparations for the event. Wish the Chinese and overseas Chinese friends all over the world good luck in the Year of the Rabbit,Wish China motherland peace and prosperity, and Hope the restoration of global peace as soon as possible.

新年大礼包New Year Package










美国华讯创始人Danny和郑永佳议员Chinese-American News Founder Danny & Councilor ZHENG Yongjia















旅居在纽约的华裔精英们Elite Chinese-American